Oklahoma State University System Courses Offered

• Accounting (ACCT) (p. 91)
• Aerospace Studies – Air Force (AERO) (p. 97)
• African American Studies (AFAM) (p. 98)
• Ag International (AGIN) (p. 99)
• Agricultural Communications (AGCM) (p. 100)
• Agricultural Economics (AGEC) (p. 103)
• Agricultural Education (AGED) (p. 111)
• Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership (AECL)
(p. 115)
• Agricultural Leadership (AGLE) (p. 117)
• Agricultural Systems Technology (AST) (p. 119)
• Agriculture (AG) (p. 121)
• American Indian Studies (AMIS) (p. 123)
• American Sign Language (ASL) (p. 124)
• American Studies (AMST) (p. 126)
• Animal Science (ANSI) (p. 129)
• Anthropology (ANTH) (p. 137)
• Architecture (ARCH) (p. 139)
• Art (ART) (p. 145)
• Arts & Sciences (A&S) (p. 160)
• Arts Administration (AADM) (p. 162)
• Astronomy (ASTR) (p. 163)
• Aviation and Space Education (AVED) (p. 164)

• Biochemistry (BIOC) (p. 175)
• Biology (BIOL) (p. 179)
• Biomedical Sciences (BIOM) (p. 188)
• Biosystems & Ag Engineering (BAE) (p. 196)
• Business Administration (BADM) (p. 201)
• Business Analytics (BAN) (p. 205)
• Business Communications (BCOM) (p. 207)
• Business Honors (BHON) (p. 208)

• Career and Technical Education (CTED) (p. 209)
• Chemical Engineering (CHE) (p. 211)
• Chemistry (CHEM) (p. 219)
• Chinese (CHIN) (p. 227)
• Civil Engineering (CIVE) (p. 228)
• Communication Sci & Disorders (CDIS) (p. 245)

Computer Science (CS) (p. 249)
• Construction Mgmt Technology (CMT) (p. 258)
• Counseling Psychology (CPSY) (p. 261)
• Curriculum & Instruction Ed (CIED) (p. 266)
• Dance (DANC) (p. 277)
• Design Housing & Merchandising (DHM) (p. 279)
• Diversity (DIVR) (p. 292)
• Economics (ECON) (p. 293)
• Education (EDUC) (p. 300)
• Educational Leadership (EDLE) (p. 301)
• Educational Psychology (EPSY) (p. 304)
• Educational Technology (EDTC) (p. 309)
• Electr & Computer Engineering (ECEN) (p. 312)
• Electronics Engineering Tech (EET) (p. 326)
• Engineering & Technology Mgmt (ETM) (p. 330)
• Engineering (ENGR) (p. 334)
• Engineering Science (ENSC) (p. 339)
• English (ENGL) (p. 340)
• Entomology (ENTO) (p. 355)
• Entrepreneurship & Emerg Ent (EEE) (p. 360)
• Environmental Science (ENVR) (p. 367)
• Family Financial Planning (FFP) (p. 374)
• Finance (FIN) (p. 375)
• Fire and Emergency Management Program (FEMP) (p. 379)
• Fire Protection & Safety Tech (FPST) (p. 383)
• Fire Safety & Explosion Prot (FSEP) (p. 386)
• Food Science (FDSC) (p. 388)
• Foreign Languages & Literature (FLL) (p. 392)
• Forensic Sciences (FRNS) (p. 394)
• Foundations of Education and Psychology (FDEP) (p. 402)
• French (FREN) (p. 403)
• Gender and Women’s Studies (GWST) (p. 405)
• General Engineering (GENG) (p. 407)
• General Technology (GENT) (p. 408)
• Genetics (GENE) (p. 409)
• Geography (GEOG) (p. 410)
• Geology (GEOL) (p. 424)
• German (GRMN) (p. 434)
• Gifted and Talented Education (GTED) (p. 437)
• Global Studies (GLST) (Geography) (p. 438)
• Global Studies (GS) (Global Studies & Partnerships) (p. 440)
• Graduate (GRAD) (p. 443)

• Health (HLTH) (p. 446)
• Health and Human Performance (HHP) (p. 450)
• Health Care Administration (HCA) (p. 459)
• Higher Educ & Student Affairs (HESA) (p. 462)
• History (HIST) (p. 467)
• Honors (HONR) (p. 480)
• Horticulture (HORT) (p. 484)
• Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) (p. 489)
• Human Development & Family Sci (HDFS) (p. 499)
• Human Resources & Adult Educ (HRAE) (p. 519)
• Human Sciences (HS) (p. 520)
• Industrial Engineering & Mgmt (IEM) (p. 524)
• Interdisciplinary Toxicology (ITOX) (p. 532)
• Japanese (JAPN) (p. 534)
• Jazz (JAZZ) (p. 535)
• Landscape Architecture (LA) (p. 537)
• Latin (LATN) (p. 541)
• Legal Studies in Business (LSB) (p. 542)
• Leisure (LEIS) (p. 544)
• Library Science (LBSC) (p. 548)
• Management (MGMT) (p. 549)
• Management Science & Info Sys (MSIS) (p. 559)
• Marketing (MKTG) (p. 567)
• Mass Communications (MC) (p. 574)
• Master of Athletic Training (MAT) (p. 580)
• Master of Business Admin (MBA) (p. 582)
• Master of Public Health (MPH) (p. 583)
• Materials Sci & Engineering (MSE) (p. 585)
• Mathematics (MATH) (p. 589)
• Mechanical & Aerospace Eng (MAE) (p. 601)
• Mechanical Engineering Tech (MET) (p. 617)
• Microbiology (MICR) (p. 621)
• Military Science (MLSC) (p. 630)
• Multimedia Journalism (MMJ) (p. 632)
• Music (MUSI) (p. 636)

• Natural Res Ecology & Mgmt (NREM) (p. 656)
• Nursing (NURS) (p. 667)
• Nutritional Sciences (NSCI) (p. 670)

• Petroleum Engineering (PETE) (p. 679)
• Philosophy (PHIL) (p. 682)
• Physician Assistant (PA) (p. 690)
• Physics (PHYS) (p. 695)
• Plant Biology (PBIO) (p. 704)
• Plant Pathology (PLP) (p. 709)
• Plant Science (PLNT) (p. 712)
• Political Science (POLS) (p. 716)
• Psychology (PSYC) (p. 727)
• Rec Mgmt & Rec Therapy (RMRT) (p. 737)
• Religious Studies (REL) (p. 741)
• Research (RES) (p. 743)
• Research Eval Meas & Stat (REMS) (p. 744)
• Russian (RUSS) (p. 746)
• School Psychology (SPSY) (p. 748)
• Science & Math Education (SMED) (p. 752)
• Social Foundations (SCFD) (p. 757)
• Sociology (SOC) (p. 761)
• Soil Science (SOIL) (p. 770)
• Spanish (SPAN) (p. 774)
• Special Education (SPED) (p. 778)
• Speech Communications (SPCH) (p. 781)
• Sports Media (SPM) (p. 783)
• Statistics (STAT) (p. 785)
• Strategic Communication (SC) (p. 791