Oklahoma State University Tuition And Fees

 Tuition Rate (12 to 18 credit hours)

The block rate allows full-time undergraduate students to take 12 to 18 hours and pay a per-semester rate for their tuition and university-wide fees.

Tuition + University Wide FeesSemester Amount 
Undergraduate Resident  $4,621.50
Undergraduate Non-Resident  $12,381.75


Tuition is collected from every student as a condition of enrollment to receive instruction at OSU. Tuition rates vary by residency status and level of course. Courses beginning with 0 through 4 are charged at undergraduate rates and courses beginning with 5 or above are charged at the graduate rate.

 Graduate Nonresident Tuition is charged to nonresident graduate students who are in 100% online degree programs and are not taking courses on campus.

Tuition by Level & Oklahoma ResidencyPer Credit Hour Amount 
Undergraduate Resident – Standard Rate $180.55 
Undergraduate Resident – Lock Rate $205.30
Undergraduate Nonresident $697.90
Graduate Resident  $233.80
Graduate Nonresident Tuition $879.75
Graduate Nonresident Tuition (100% Online)   $364.00

General Fees

FeePer Credit Hour Amount
Student Activity Fee, Athletic $5.50 
Student Activity Fee, General $2.50 
Student Facility Fee, General $5.95 
Student Facility Fee, Campus Rec $3.00 
Student Development Fee $2.90 
Health Services Fee $6.00 
Advising & Assessment Fee $10.85 
Library Automation & Technology Fee $17.70 
University Technology Infrastructure/Maintenance Fee $13.20 
Academic Facilities Fee $25.70 
Academic Records Fee $4.35 
Daily O’Collegian Fee $0.30 
Transit/Parking Services Fee $2.50 
Life Safety & Security Fee $6.45 
Academic Excellence Fee $15.50 
Student Union Renovation Fee $5.15 

College Based Fees

College fees include the following:

Technology Fee: Provides for the maintenance of existing facilities housing computer and/or multimedia equipment, and the expansion and development of collegiate facilities, equipment, software and multimedia capabilities. It also helps provide for the specialized technology needs of each of the various colleges

Program Fee: Used to fund enhancements to instruction within each college, including equipment, technology, facilities, and salaries to support instruction.

Online or Electronic Media Delivery Fee: Used to fund online courses or for face-to-face courses, this will fund the expanded use of canvas and required technology for hybrid models of instruction necessary for FY .

Instruction Infrastructure Fee (School of Business only): Used to upgrade, maintain, and improve instructional facilities and equipment in the School of Business.

FeePer Credit Hour Amount
Ferguson College of Agriculture  $109.35 
Arts & Sciences (Undergraduate) $113.80 
School of Business* $124.80 
Education and Human Sciences (Undergraduate) $112.75 
Education and Human Sciences (Graduate) $92.00 
Engineering, Architecture & Technology (Undergraduate & Graduate) $183.25
Global Studies & Partnerships $25.00 

Graduate College Program Fee

Funds are used to support the Graduate College’s professional development activities and programs for graduate students.

FeePer Credit Hour Amount
Graduate Masters (GM), Graduate Certificate (GC) or Graduate Special (SG) Students$2.50
Graduate Doctorate (GD) or Doctorate Specialist (DS) Students$3.00
SSB Graduate Program Fee$6.00

Miscellaneous Fees

International Student Status Fee$60.00 per semester
Health Risk Assessment Fee$20.00 (Stillwater only – First-time students only)
Late Enrollment Fee$100.00

Tuition and fee charges for the Fall Semester are due by September 15. Electronic notices are sent to the student’s OSU e-mail address the first week of September for the first billing statement of the Fall semester.
Tuition and fee charges for the Spring Semester are due by February 15. Electronic notices are sent to the student’s OSU e-mail address the first week of February for the first billing statement of the Spring semester.
Each subsequent month, electronic notices are sent for bursar billing statements that detail additional transactions on the bursar account.  Balances should be paid by the 15th of each month.  A finance charge of 1.5% will be assessed for past due charges.