Open Christian University Courses Offered

Open Christian University Courses

1.School of Business Theology
Welcome to the Open Christian University, The School of Business Theology specialises in preparing Christians for business and professional work. It offers programs that aim to integrate the Christian faith in a secular environment.

It is an ideal choice for marketplace ministers who are called to lead kingdom businesses or minister in the professional work environments. Is business or work your divine calling? How do you conduct business in a Christian way? The programs aim to help learners discover their calling/vocation and how to carry out their ministry where the Lord has placed them.

All programs are based on the concept of stewardship to instill a sense of accountability for the Lord-given talents.

The school offers the following theology and ministry programs:

  • Bachelor of Christian Business Administration (BBA)
  • Christian Entrepreneurship
  • Christian Education
  • Christian Leadership
  • Christian Business Management
  • Workplace Ministry

Master of Christian Business Administration (MBA)

  • Christian Entrepreneurship
  • Christian Education
  • Christian Leadership
  • Christian Business Management
  • Workplace Ministry

Doctor of Christian Business Administration (DBA)

  • Christian Entrepreneurship
  • Christian Education
  • Christian Leadership
  • Christian Business Management
  • Workplace Ministry

2.School of Divinity
Welcome to the Open Christian University, The School of Divinity program aims to respond to the current needs and questions of today’s world by equipping leaders with interdisciplinary knowledge, professional field skills, and meaningful spiritual frames.

The Divinity School trains Christian ministers whose call is within the four walls of a local church to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills they need to serve in the fivefold ministry. Equipping and sustaining the church and mission of Christ is what we do.

You are the future of the Christian faith, and we are committed to equipping you to lead, influence and guide the church into growth and life-changing ministries.

The school offers the following theology and ministry programs:


  • Graduate Certificate in Ministry
  • Graduate Certificate in Theology
  • Associate Degree in Ministry
  • Associate Degree in Theology
  • Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min)
  • Bachelor of Theology(B.Th)


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Ministry
  • Post graduate Certificate in theology
  • Post graduate Diploma in Ministry
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Theology
  • Master’s Degree in Ministry
  • Master’s Degree in Theology


  • Doctor of Ministry (D.Min)
  • Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
  • PhD in Theological Studies

3.School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Welcome to the Open Christian University, The School of Interdisciplinary Studies recognizes that many Christians are called to minister in purely secular environments, where their work requires a deep understanding of different scientific subjects.

Interdisciplinary study allows the synthesis of ideas and the synthesis of characteristics of many disciplines. At the same time, it addresses the individual differences of students and helps develop transferable skills important for their service in their missionary fields.

Tought Degree Programs

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Development Studies

Master’s Degree

  • MBA Business Administration
  • MSc. in Forced Migration Studies
  • MSc. in Real Estate Management
  • MSc. Public Health
  • MSc. Mass Communication
  • MA in Entrepreneurship


  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Entrepreneurship
  • PhD in Public Health
  • PhD in Education