Redeemer University College Tuition And Fees Structure

Redeemer University College Tuition And Fees Structure

Tuition And Fees

Below is a listing of the fees that are required for the academic year. It does not include books (estimated at $300 to $600 per term) or personal items. Fees for the academic year can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Full-Time Tuition

TuitionDomestic UndergradInternational and B.Ed.
Per credit$326.66$589.40
Full course (3 credits)$979.98$1,768.20
Full year (10courses)$9,799.80$17,682.00

Housing Options

Building, Rooms, Capacity & Cost Per Term

Cranmer Court Units – 37-42 – 8 – $3,320

Cranmer Court Units – 25-36,43 – 8 – $3,420

Calvin Court Units – 1-12 – 8 – $3,420

Luther Court Units – 13-24 – 8 – $3,420

Augustine Hall Apartments – 101-305 – 2 or 6 – $3,420

Luther Court Apartments Rooms – 104-210 – 2 or 3 – $3,670

Charis Living Learning Centre Rooms – 101-313 – 6 or 8 – $3,670

Charis Living Learning Centre Rooms – 101-313 2 or 4 $3,820

For more information about housing, go here.

On-campus housing is not available to Bachelor of Education post-graduate students.

Meal Plan Options

Meal PlanCost for Full YearCost Per Term
Regular Meal Plan
(choose one)
Flex Meal Plan$2,184$1,092
Administration and Supplies Fee
(included in above meal plans)
Commuter Meal Plan
(dining dollars and admin fee of $20 for full year)

Mandatory for 1st and 2nd year students living in residence

For students in 3rd year who choose not to be on the Regular Meal Plan

For students in 4th year and later who live in residence and don’t select a Meal Plan

For more information about meal plans, go here.

Student Fees

Redeemer Student Fee (per course) – $27.00

Ombudsman Fee (per course) – $0.45

Student Senate Fee (per course) – $15.00

Health Services Fee (per term) – $55.00

Student Success Fee (per term) – $25.00

Security Services Fee (per term) – $5.00

Transit Fee (no refunds – for full year paid in fall) – $207.05

Transit Fee (no refunds – winter only) – $103.53

The Redeemer Student Fee covers the following areas: Student Life and Orientation, Athletics and Intramurals, and Information Technology and Library services.

Materials Fees

Students enrolled in courses that use the supplies and equipment of Redeemer’s lab, studio and production spaces are assessed per course. Here is the list of courses that have materials fees.

Tuition For Private Music Lessons

Music lessons are to be approved by and arranged with the Music Department. Additional tuition for private lessons will be assessed per term for the academic year as follows:

Length of Lesson, Cost & Credits

Primary Instrument 40 minutes/week – $536 0.75

Secondary Instrument 30 minutes/week – $804 0.75

Co-operative Education Program Fees

Program Application Fee (no refunds) – $100

Co-op Preparation Course Fee – $620

Work Term I Fee (no refunds) – $904

Work Term II Fee (no refunds) – $904


On your statement, you will see different deposits listed. Information on each deposit is listed below:

Enrolment Deposit ($250) For incoming students only.

This increases to $400 after the May 31 deadline. It is fully refundable until June 15. For on-campus students, $150 will be used as a damage deposit and $100 will be credited to the winter term. For off-campus students, it is credited towards tuition in the winter term.

Housing Deposit ($400) For returning students only.

Accompanies your application for residence housing. No room assignment can be made until it is received. $300 of the $400 deposit is refundable until June 15. $250 is credited to the winter term (or forfeited if the student does not return for the winter term) and $150 is registered as the damage deposit.

The $150 damage deposit is refundable if no damage is incurred during the year. After the completion of the year, an assessment will be made and any refunds will be forwarded by mail.

Key Deposit ($50/key)

Key deposits are included on your fall statement. The mailbox key deposit is $50 and the residence key deposit is $50 if applicable. You will receive this deposit back in May after it has been confirmed that your keys have been returned.

For a more detailed listing of tuition and fees, see pages 23-26 of the Academic Calendar.

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