Ruli Higher Institute Of Health (RHIH) Tuition And Fees Structure

Ruli Higher Institute Of Health (RHIH) Tuition And Fees Structure

Fees structure at Ruli Higher Institute of Health

At the RHIH Sainte Rose de Lima, the fees and payments are divided into two categories:

Academic and Administrative Fees

These are mandatory fees related to academic services like application for admissions, registration, uniform and caution fees  that the student has to pay before he/she participate in any authorized academic activity. Some of these fees are paid once and others are paid annually.

Academic and administration fees’ detail is the following:

Application fees for admission.

Registration fees.

Caution fees.

Uniform fees.

Annual statement of results.

Academic transcript.

Lost of student card.

Hiring a graduation gown.

Buying a graduation gown.

Duplicate academic transcript.

Ruli Higher Institute Of Health (RHIH) Admission Requirements

Tuition or Qualification fees

According to the program and department the student applied for, admitted and enrolled, the tuition fees are different and deposit to the account bank of the school located either in the

  1. Bank of Kigali :

Account number: 00040-00604846-13.

Account name: Archdiocese of Kigali/Ruli Higher Institute of Health.

  1. Banque Populaire du Rwanda

Account number: 417239941110172.

Account name: Ruli Higher Institute of Health.

The tuition fees are the following:

800,000 RWF includes clinical practice fees for the Advanced Diploma in General Nursing.

500,000 RWF includes clinical practice fees for the Advanced Diploma in Midwifery (It is for this year a special promotion for the students who choice Midwifery faculty).

The students can pay the tuition fees in installments to facilitate their sponsors. But the deadline is fixed in two stages:

The end of the first semester.

15th June of each academic year.

The school encourages and advises the students to pay the required fees as structured. Any inform breach of these payment structures should lead to negative effects on the student.

Check Ruli Higher Institute Of Health (RHIH) Tuition And Fees Structure

Ruli Higher Institute Of Health Contact Details

 Address: P.O. BOX 1285 Kigali – Rwanda

 Location: Kigali, Rwanda

 Telephone Number: (+250) 781850008

 Email Address:
