San Jose State University Tuition and Fees Structure

San Jose State University Tuition and Fees Structure

How Much Does San Jose State University Cost?

Learn the base cost of San Jose State University by getting details on in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees. Compare tuition and fees to nationwide and state averages to put those costs in context.

How Much Does San Jose State Charge for Tuition?



At San Jose State University the average out-of-state tuition and fees for undergraduates was $19,732. Those who hail from the state of California get a discount and only needed to pay $7,852 per year.


San Jose State tuition and fees is for one year of attendance, not including room and board.

Remeber that many students qualify for scholarships and financial aid that will lower the amount they have to pay.

How Do San Jose State Tuition & Fees Compare to Other Schools?

Nationwide, out-of-state students pay, on average, $19,609 per year in tuition and fees to attend college. Out-of-state tuition and fees for undergrads at San Jose State University is fairly average when compared to the national figure. It’s around $19,732 per year.

In-state undergrads in California pay an average of $16,509 for tuition and fees. In-state undergraduates at San Jose State pay about $7,852 a year, which is significantly less than the countrywide average.

The chart below shows how San Jose State compares to other schools nationwide, in the region, and in the state.

NationwideFar Western USCalifornia
Out-of-State Tuition & FeesAverageAverageAverage
In-State Tuition & FeesInexpensiveInexpensiveInexpensive

Remember to also consider financial aid when trying to decide if you can afford to go to a particular school.

San Jose State Tuition & Fees Five Year Projection



$32,032EST. 4-YEAR COST

Tuition and Fees for in-state San Jose State University increased with an average annual rate of 0.56% over the past five years. This school year, in-state students can expect to pay $7,941 if the growth keeps up.

At this rate, we estimate the total cost of in-state tuition and fees for two years at San Jose State to be $15,926, and $32,032 for four years.

During the same time period, tuition and fees for out-of-state students have increased by 0.22%. Out-of-state students will be charged approximately $19,820 in this academic year if the costs keep going up at the same rate.

This means an estimated $39,684 for two years of out-of-state tuition and fees at San Jose State, and $79,544 for four years.

The following chart shows projected upcoming tuition and fees for undergraduates at San Jose State.