Scott School Of Nursing School Prospectus

Scott School of Nursing Application Form / Prospectus / Admission Requirement

Recent Announcements

  • The applications for academic year will be released on January
  • The Deadline for submission will be on/before March

Certificate in Nursing Assistant

Duration: 15 Months

Admission Requirements

A minimum of five (5) subjects at COSC/LGCSE level with the following:

  • Pass of E in English Language.
  • Pass of E in Mathematics.
  • Pass of D in Science Subjects (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Intergrated or Combined Science or Bio-Chemistry).
  • Pass in any other two subjects.

Rationale for the Programme

The training for Nursing Assistants aims at increasing manpower to provide auxiliary duties enabling the professional nurse to do more complex duties. The program prepares a Nursing Assistant who will assist the professional nurse in a variety of Health care settings in the delivery of promotive, curative and rehabilitative services. The adoption of PHC as per the Alma Ata declaration of 1979 calls for governments to increase health capacity in all levels of health care .

This is a 15 months full time certificate program. It consists of class work and practical sessions.

Summary of nursing Assistant program

Semester 1

  • NASS 100 : Anatomy and physiology
  • NASS 101 : Basic Nursing
  • NASS 102 : Medical-Nursing
  • NASS 103 : Community Health
  • NASS104 : Sexual Reproductive Health

Semester 2

  • NASS 201 : Basic Nursing
  • NASS 202 : Medical Surgical Nursing
  • NASS 203 : Community Health Nursing
  • NASS 204 : Sexual Reproductive Health
  • NASS 205 : Psychiatric Mental Health


After the completion of the programme, candidates have an opportunity to work as a qualified Nursing Assistant


Application forms will be available at the College of Nursing and on this website used solely for application soon after the COSC/LGSCE results are published. Click here to download application forms. All applicants should return the application forms on or before March. For More information about the Scott College of Nursing contact the following:

Assistant Administrative Telephone (+266) 52500111


Scott School of Nursing Courses

Click on the links below for Scott School of Nursing Courses Offered

Certificate in Nursing Assistant

Duration: 15 Months

Diploma in General Nursing

Duration: 3 YEARS

Diploma in Midwifery

Duration: 1 YEAR

Scott College of Nursing,
Private Bag,
Morija 190

Phone: (+266) 52500111
