Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Medical College Mauritius Current Prospectus

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Medical College Mauritius Current Prospectus

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Medical College Mauritius Admission Requirements1.Rules of Admission:i)Application Form:          

A candidate for admission must submit an application in his own handwriting, in prescribed Application Form, which has been duly signed and issued by the Chairman & Managing Trustee of the IOMIT.

The Application Forms can be obtained from Registered office at Mauritius, Command office at New Delhi or from designated area centres/offices mentioned in the prospectus.

This form, duly completed in all respect along with necessary documents, must be submitted either by Registered post or handed over personally together with stamped and self-addressed envelope for a reply, so as to reach the office of the Indian Ocean Medical Institute Trust before the last date. Incomplete, defective and late applications will not be considered and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.

Mere submission of application and payment of processing fees or “Registration Fee” towards ‘Provisional Offer of a seat in the course’ will not create any right or interest in favour of the said applicant for admission to the course and the SSR Medical College.

ii)Certificates / documents to be attached to Application Form:

(a)  Pass certificate/Mark List of qualifying examination (10+2/A level or  equivalent)

(b)   Conduct certificate from the Head of the Institution.

(c)   Document to prove age

(d)   Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner as to the candidate’s  physical fitness to undergo the course

(e)   Self addressed & stamped envelope size (9½”  x 4½”)

(f)    Affidavit in the prescribed format  (vide clause-9 at page-8)

 iii) Selection of Candidates:

Selection will be based on merit, taking also into consideration the applicant’s ability to meet the financial requirements of an overseas education and to contribute towards the growth of the institution.

Short listed candidates may be required to appear for an interview before the “Admission Panel” headed by the Chairman on the given date and venue which will be intimated later, at their own expenses. Selected candidates will have to pay the required fee before the admission by D.D. in favour of “Indian Ocean Medical Institute Trust”.

iv)Cancellation of Admission:

If any candidate who is offered admission does not pay the prescribed fees at the time of admission, his admission will be treated as cancelled and the seat will be offered to the next eligible candidate.

Mere presentation of a Bank Draft towards Registration fee/Tuition fee, unless the same is accepted by the College and the due Receipt is issued, will not create or confer any right or interest in favour of the applicant for admission to the MBBS/BDS Courses and the SSR Medical College.

The IOMIT/College will not be responsible for any postal delay or delay due to any other cause in the receipt of the notification of admission of the candidate.

The admission offered to the candidate shall be cancelled if later the IOMIT finds that the candidate is not eligible for admission due to non-fulfillment of the any of the conditions of admission & any fee paid by in the candidate will not be refunded.

Even if a candidate has paid the fees but fails to join the college within a fortnight without intimation or prior permission of the Principal, the latter may at his discretion cancel the admission of such a student.

Any student after joining the college leaves or drops out of the course due to any reason; any fee paid by the such student shall not be refunded.

If any information supplied by the student in connection with his admission is later at any time found to be incorrect, the student shall be liable to be removed from the College and all the fees paid by him shall be forfeited. The decision of the Management i.e. IOMIT in this regard shall be final.

The Chairman of the Indian Ocean Medical Institute Trust reserves absolute right to reject all or any of the applications without assigning any reason at any time before a candidate has formally joined the course at the IOMIT’s SSR Medical College, Mauritius.

v)Execution of Agreement / Bond: Agreement:The Parent/Guardian of the student admitted to the SSR Medical College shall be required to execute an “agreement” on a Pain or Stamp paper in the preformat attached herewith for admission of the ward to this college.Bond:The Mauritian candidates shall agree that they will serve the Government of Mauritius if so required by the Government, for a minimum period stipulated by the Government of Mauritius after passing out/graduating.

vi)Important Notice:

(a) The Fee is to be paid only by D.D. or T.T. in the name of “Indian Ocean Medical Institute Trust”.

(b) We do not have any Recruiting Agent or Body Representing us. Any body dealing with any such agent will be doing so at his own risk & peril and Management will not be responsible for any such action.

(c) This prospectus is only for providing information and it is not a legal document to form basis for any claim by the applicants.Submission of Applications:a. Mauritian students can obtain and submit their forms at SSR Medical College, Belle Rive, Mauritius.b.

Indian students can obtain and must submit the completed admission forms only at Delhi Office of the SSR Medical College Mauritius.c. Students of a particular region, other than India and Mauritius, are advised to obtain and submit application forms at the nearest designated area centre.

Special Information Note for Applicants from South Africa:   With Reference to their electronic Application Form, the Applicant would be expected to attend a meeting with Hon. Chairman or representative, SSR Medical College,

On 18th Jan. (Saturday at 10 AM) at  address:  9; Morland Drive, La Lucia Ridge, DURBAN (Tel No. 031-5620436 / +230-2552754) with following documents:1. Two copies of class 12th mark sheet (self-attested) issued by the Govt. recognized education board2. Four recent passport size photographs (One to be pasted at the hard copy of Application Form) at the time of Interview3. Photocopy of first and last two pages of your valid passport containing your name address, validity etc.4. Copy of your electronic application form  (please print a copy for your record before  you “submit” the e-Form)/ print copy of e-mail  invitation msg from the College,
Duly Signed Affidavit / undertaking format given on our website www.ssrmedicalcollege.comImportant Note: The short listed candidates will be required to reach SSR Medical College Mauritius latest by 20th  Feb  for final interview at the college in Mauritius on 21st Feb (Pl recheck date before departure). The formally selected / approved candidate after the interview will be expected to deposit the Registration Fee (US $ 3000) within a week (i.e. by 28th Feb) and fee up to the first installment of Tuition fee (Vide Agreement); Hostel Fee and Mess Fee (incase they opt to stay at the college Hostel) by 7th March.The Applicants will be required to fill the hard copy of the “Application Form” contained in paid “Prospectus” booklet.Duly signed “Agreement” contained in the Prospectus is to be submitted at the time of joining at the College.For any additional information, the IOMIT’s SSR Medical College at Mauritius or Command Office at New Delhi may be contacted.