SUPINFO International University SUPINFO Mauritius Tuition And Fees Structure

SUPINFO International University SUPINFO Mauritius Tuition And Fees Structure

Do you want to pursue your studies but this depends on obtaining financial aid ? Two solutions are open to you : grants and bank loans.

As SUPINFO is recognized by the French State, France automatically attributes to SUPINFO students the same rights as if they were enrolled in a public university. Means tested grants are allocated according to your situation and income by the French Ministry for National Education.

This new decrease of SUPINFO’s tuition fees represents a € 5,000 economy over the 5 year cycle of studies for all our students’ families.

Total cost of studies at SUPINFO in France or abroad as for academic year

For 3 years when registering for the postgraduate program: € 14,970
For 5 years when registering for the full 5 year long graduate and postgraduate program: € 24,950

The tuition fees are quoted all inclusive and include (with the exception of the students’ legal welfare contribution) the full educational costs (official courses, practical work, lab sessions, remedial courses and refresher courses), access to the school’s amenities (24/24, copies, documents, participation fees to the school’s associative programs (membership to the Students’ Office except for special events and projects), examination fees, TOEIC fees (Test of English for International Communications), for the full length of the cycle of studies with the exception of the optional expenses linked to our partners official professional certifications (Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft, Sun, Apple, IBM) although these certifications are prepared for during the course of the studies at SUPINFO.

The tuition fees also include access to all the essential software necessary during the course of the studies. This software (Microsoft, Oracle, Mandriva, Cisco, etc.) is donated to all students by our partners.

The tuition fees also include the production and the issuing of the diplomas, certificates and official documentation as well as the membership for the first year to the International Institute of Information Technology Alumni Club and the publication of the student’s name in SUPINFO’s alumni online directory.

NOTE: The tuition fees do not include the costs relative to the purchase of the student’s laptop (compulsory in order to follow a successful education at SUPINFO). Each year, SUPINFO negotiates with IBM/Lenovo and Apple to offer its students competitive rates on the most up-to-date laptops and thus allows its students to purchase the best equipment at an affordable price. This purchase represents an added investment for our students: prices start at € 1,490 (all taxes included) and vary depending on the chosen configuration.

(Click HERE for more information on the One student – One laptop program). Students who do not already own a laptop are free to buy their equipment by themselves or to benefit from the special offer put together by SUPINFO and its partners IBM/Lenovo and Apple. Students who are faced with serious financial difficulties can be provided with a laptop on loan from the school).

At € 4990 per year, a SUPINFO student is far less expensive
than a student registered in a French public or private higher education school

Are you aware that.

According to the last figures published by the French Ministry of Education and the OCDE (*), a student registered in a State French higher-education school costs the community an average of € 9,370 per year (this figure has been in constant increase since 1975).

To be more precise, a student costs an average of € 7,840 per year in a public university, € 8,980 per year in a Technology University (IUT) and € 13,940 per year for a student following a foundation course to integrate a Grande Ecole , more than double the price of the integrated foundation course offered at SUPINFO.


100% of the graduates hired straight after leaving school earn an average yearly salary over € 35,000. The cost of a year of studies at SUPINFO, a French State-accredited school delivering a state-recognized postgraduate diploma is 4,380 euros lower than the average cost of a student registered in a French public higher-education school, 4,170 euros lower than the average cost of a student in a Technology University (IUT) and 8,950 euros lower than the cost of a year in a foundation course. Over the course of five years, the savings are significant.