Troy University Tuition & Fees

Troy University Tuition & Fees

Cost Per Academic YearESLUndergraduateGraduate
Room, board and fees:$11,500.00$11,676.00$11,650.00
Estimate: Total Year (I-20 amount)$18,600.00$30,300.00$28,750.00

Above estimate I-20 amount. Below is a breakdown of the most common individual fees:

Cost Per Academic YearESLUndergraduateGraduate
Application Fee$50.00$50.00$50.00
Shipping/Courier Fee$50.00$50.00$50.00
Tuition Academic
Out-of-State (per credit hour)  
English as a Second Language
8 weeks (1 term)
16 weeks (1 semester)
On-Campus Housing Cost:
-Lowest for 1 semester
-Highest for 1 semester
Board (Meal Plan) 1 semester
-Lowest for 1 semester
-Highest for 1 semester
Dining Fee (No Meal Plan)N/A$301.00$301.00
Orientation Fee $100.00$100.00$100.00
Insurance ($149/month)$1,788.00/yr$1,788.00/yr$1,788.00/yr

* Troy University reserves the right to change and update cost and fee structure without advance notice.

  • Note that some fees, such as books and labs may vary. All fees are estimated for show purpose only.
  • Estimate based on 12 credit hours / semester tuition and related fees for I-20 purposes.
  • Estimate based on 9 credit hours / semester tuition and related fees for I-20 purposes.
  • Minimum meal plan required for campus residence (except Pace Hall residence).
  • Troy Campus only per semester. Not required for ESL students and off-campus graduate students.