Université des Mascareignes Mauritius Current Prospectus

Université des Mascareignes Mauritius Current Prospectus



The Government of the Republic of Mauritius is offering scholarships to deserving students who are resident citizens of member of states of the African union or of African commonwealth countries for full time, on campus undergraduate (diploma/degree) and postgraduate [Masters/MPhil/PhD) programmes tenable in public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Mauritius.

Nomination Process

A Nominating Agency is typically part of the Ministry of Education in the country of the applicant.
The Nominating Agency must ensure that the applicants meet ALL eligibility criteria and that ALL
applications are complete prior to submission to the Mauritian Ministry of Education, Tertiary
Education, Science and Technology.

Call for Applications

Nominating Agencies are kindly requested to disseminate the Call for the Mauritius-Africa
Scholarship Scheme as extensively as possible and to receive and process applications
from candidates.

All applications are to be made through the Nominating Agency, along with the necessary
supporting documents.

Nomination Procedures

Nominating Agencies are required to nominate up to fifteen (15) applicants (five in each
category of Undergraduate, Masters and MPhil/PhD).

View The Full Université des Mascareignes Mauritius Current Prospectus