University Of King’s College Mature Age Entry Application Form

University Of King’s College Mature Age Entry Application Form

Admission Requirements for Mature Students

Mature students are classified as those who are 21 years of age or older by September 1 of the entry year, with no post-secondary education. Every application for admission as a mature student is considered on its own merit.

Mature students can be admitted into King’s in one of the following two ways.

1. Meet the general admission requirements for high school applicants:

Five academic grade 12 courses.

One must be academic English.

Three must be standard (Examples: Math, Science, Social Studies, Languages, Fine Arts).

The remaining course may be any academic or non-academic grade 12 course carrying normal weight.

cannot be special projects or work experience.

two courses of lower course weight may be substituted for this fifth course.

A minimum overall average of 60% on the above five courses.

Must meet all program-specific requirements.

2. Meet the general admission requirements for mature applicants:

Completion of English 30-1, or its equivalent.

If the applicant does not have this requirement, they may be asked to write the King’s English Language Assessment Test (ELAT) on-campus in place of ELA 30-1.

Must meet program-specific requirements.

Can be demonstrated by the submission of high school record and/or college entrance examination score.