University Of Mauritius Tuition And Fees Structure

University Of Mauritius Tuition And Fees Structure

The University reserves the right to review General Fees, Tuition Fees and other charges for any given academic year prior to the beginning of such academic year. By accepting a seat at the University, the student undertakes to pay all such fees as and when claimed

This Fee does not include other fees which are also payable for specific undergraduate programmes listed below (1.1 – 1.2) in Mauritian Rupees (MUR) or the equivalent in (USD) at prevailing rate.
University of Mauritius Scholarships

International students will be eligible for a scholarship covering 50% of the block fee to be paid to the University subject to
meeting the requirements for admission on the programme and subject to one of the following conditions:
EITHER They should come through an approved University Recruitment Agent;
OR They should be from Africa mainland, including SADC and COMESA member countries or from Asian Developing Countries (e.g India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, China and Indonesia)


General Information on Enrolment and Fees

Undergraduate Programes

Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Programmes by Research

Academic year
Undergraduate Programmes

Fees for students for the obtention of a Certificate or a Diploma or an Undergraduate Degree according to the Government’s Policy on Free Education.

Fees applicable to Certificate or Diploma or Degree holders according to the Government’s Policy on Free Education.

Tuition – Fee Paying Programmes, for Certificate or Diploma or Degree holders according to the Government’s Policy on Free Education.

Fees for Dual Degree Programmes

Fees for Foundation Courses