Vocational Training Institute 1975 Mauritius Courses Offered

Vocational Training Institute 1975 Mauritius Courses Offered

Vocational Training Institute Courses Offered: These are the list of courses offered at Vocational Training Institute.

Electrical & Electronic
Level 2 Diploma in Engineering – Electrical and Electronic Tech

Level 3 Diploma in Engineering – Electrical and Electronic

C&G 2850-54
C&G 2850-90

1 1/2 yrs- 2 yrs
1 1/2 yrs-2 yrs

6 Modules
6 modules

[a] New]-Level 1 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance with motor cycle

b] New]-Level 2 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair

[c] [ New]-Principles With electric and electronic & Engine

Management Level 3 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles

C&G 4290-11
C&G 4290-12 & MITD NC4

C&G 4290-13

2 Yrs
2 Yrs

2 Yrs

14 modules
18 modules

17 modules

[a] [New]-Hospitality
[b] [New]-Level 2 Award in Restaurant & Bar Service –

[c ] [New]-Level 2 Award in Housekeeping

[d] [New]-Level 2 Award in Front Office

[e] [New]-Level 2 Award in Hospitality Practice

[f] New]-level 2 Diploma in Culinary Skills
[g] New-Level 2 award in culinary skills


CTH -UK 6 months
1/2 yrs

1 yr

1 year

3 Modules
3 Modules

3 Modules

5 Modules

11 Modules

4 modules

4 modules

LAW Studies

1] Level 3 Diploma in Law – 0ne yr – 4 units – comparable to an A level

2] Level 4 Extended Diploma in Law – one yr- 4 units -comparable to first year of a uk degree

3] Level 5 Extended diploma in Law- one yr- 4 units- comparable to 2nd yr of a uk degree


I] aat Level 2 foundation certificate in accounting
Ii] aat Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting

Iii] aat Level 4 Professional Diploma in accounting

aat level 2
aat Level 3

aat level 4

1 yr
1 yr

1 yr

5 units
6 units

6 units
7 [new]

Multi skills cert[Plumbing, Electric, Refrigeration /Air Con ]

A] Basic makeup course 3 months each

B] Intermediate makeup course 3 months each

C] Advanced makeup course 3 months each

vti attendance 6 months
Vti attendance 3 months each

7 Computer studies
[a] word; [b] excel; [c] database; [d] spread sheet

Vti attendance 3 months each