Zimbabwe Institute Of Legal Studies Mature Age Entry Application Form

Zimbabwe Institute Of Legal Studies Mature Age Entry Application Form

ZILS is registered with the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education as a Vocational Training Institution. It is the only institution in the country offering HEXCO National Certificate, National Diploma & Higher National Diploma courses in law and related specialist fields.

It offers the following courses on a full-time, block release and part-time basis:-

The admission requirements for each of the courses at National Certificate Level are as follows:

Applied Law

Forensic Science and Crime Investigations

Forensic Accounting And Fraud Investigations

Mineral Law And Policy

Commerce And Law

The National Certificate takes 1 year on Full-Time (1 year 6 months on Part-Time) to complete, the National Diploma takes 3 years, whilst the Higher National Diploma takes 1 year. One must first complete the National Certificate before taking on the National Diploma

The admission requirements for Higher National Diploma (NEW COURSES) are as follows:

Applied Law – National Diploma in Applied Law

Mineral Law And Policy – National Diploma in Mineral Law And Policy

This is a unique opportunity for students and pupils with the appropriate “O” level subjects to embark on legal studies leading to the attainment of a nationally recognized qualification.

Graduates who desire to progress to study for degrees in the various disciplines offered by ZILS will be able to do so using their National Diploma qualifications.

However, each qualification is a stand alone qualification enabling the graduate to seek employment in both the civil service and the private sector. Career opportunities are to be found in the field of law in general as a legal clerks, legal officers, company secretaries, compliance officers, administrators, forensic auditors, mine secretaries, public prosecutors, magistrates, forensic investigators etc.

ZILS Short Course

We also offer a twelve (12) week short course conducted during after work hours or during weekends to empower persons who have no legal qualification with legal literacy & cognition skills. The course covers the following subjects:

Introduction To Law

The Constitution of Zimbabwe

Civil Law & Court Proceedings

Criminal Law & Court Proceedings

Family, Inheritance & Succession Law

Business Law

Tax Law

Labour, Conciliation & Arbitration Law

Basic Intellectual Property Law

Practical Administrative Justice

WE ARE THE POLYTECHNIC OF LAW, equipped to produce graduates ready to serve the civil service and private sector in the areas of their specialization.


Registration for national certificates and national diplomas for May in progress. GET ENROLLED

Registration for Certificate of Competence in Legal Literacy and Cognition skills on enquiry with the institution.

Check Here Zimbabwe Institute Of Legal Studies Admission Requirements

ZILS Contact Details

 Address: 57 Fife Ave, Harare

Box CY1288 Causeway Harare

 Location: Harare, Zimbabwe

 Telephone Number: +263242709910

 Telephone Number 2: +263773947982

 Email Address: info@zils.ac.zw

 Website: https://www.zils.ac.zw