Postgraduate Research Scholarships At Victoria University, Australia

By | August 8, 2022

Domestic and International students can now have access to the new Victoria University Graduate Research Scholarship currently open for application. The Postgraduate Research Scholarships cover a wide range of research areas. Opened for exceptional students across the globe.

The purpose of these scholarships is to support high-quality research by assisting students with excellent academic qualifications who wish to participate in postgraduate research programs.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): Victoria University and RTPSS International

Host Institution(s): Victoria University, Australia

Scholarship Worth: Varies

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Postgraduate (Masters, Ph.D.)

Nationality: Domestic and International students

Postgraduate Research Scholarships at Victoria University | DETAILS

The motivation behind the RTPSS International and the Victoria University International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (VUIPRS) is to help superb research by helping students with amazing scholastic capabilities who wish to take an interest in postgraduate research programs in Australia.

Beneficiaries of the VUIPRS get a grant of $27,600 per annum (2019 rate) which covers living expenses for the length of the grant. Moreover, every beneficiary gets an RTP Fee Offset grant to cover educational cost expenses for the length of the grant. OSHC will likewise be secured.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Demonstrate academic excellence and conduct research that is within an area of Health research in one of the four research programs.
  • Enroll as a full-time student (Part-time awards may be available for compelling social or medical reasons)
  • Have an average final year or Honours year grade of H1 (VU standard 80% or above)
  • Have their enrolment into the proposed degree approved by the institution during scholarship ranking.
  • Meet the University’s English language proficiency requirements for enrolment in a research degree – see website: for further details.
  • Be commencing a Master’s Degree (Research)or Doctoral degree in the next academic year
See also  UTS Academic Excellence International Scholarships, Australia

Eligible Courses*

Postgraduate Research Scholarships is focused on the following research areas and their field of research (FoR) codes are placed in front of each research area:

  • Applied Economics “1402”
  • Applied Mathematics “0102”
  • Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing “0801”
  • Business and Management “1503”
  • Chemical Engineering “0904”
  • Civil Engineering “0905”
  • Cultural Studies “2002”
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy “1302”
  • Distributed Computing “0805”
  • Ecology “0602”
  • Education Systems “1301”
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering “0906”
  • Food Sciences “0908”
  • Historical Studies “2103”
  • Human Movement and Sports Science “1106”
  • Information Systems “0806”
  • Law “1801”
  • Mechanical Engineering “0913”
  • Medical Physiology “1116”
  • Nursing “1110”
  • Psychology “1701”
  • Public Health and Health Services “1117”
  • Sociology “1608”
  • Specialist Studies in Education “1303”
  • Tourism “1506”

*Please confirm eligible courses and their codes from the school website

Application Procedures

Interested applicants for the Postgraduate Research Scholarships at Victoria University in Australia can apply for the scholarship through the scholarship application portal.

A research proposal and CV will be required for submission by all Higher Degree Research candidates. The proposition should be typed on an A4 document and must be comprehensive enough; about 1-2 pages. It should contain:

  • Title page
  • Name and College of your nominated supervisor (on the title page)
  • Aims
  • Significance of the research
  • Methodology and research techniques
  • Facilities and equipment required.

Your CV ought to include:

  • Your instructive capabilities and academic qualifications
  • Most significant and breakthrough proficient work involvement and work experience
  • And, possibly, a list of recent research publications

Postgraduate Research Scholarships At Victoria University, Australia