Largest Companies in Papua New Guinea

By | February 13, 2023

In this article tries to answer the question by publishing the Full List of Largest Companies in Papua New Guinea

Largest Companies in Papua New Guinea

Below are the Full List Of the Largest Companies in Papua New Guinea

The largest public companies include Airlines PNG, Bank South Pacific Ltd, City Pharmacy Ltd, Coppermoly Ltd, Credit Corporation Ltd, Cue Energy Resources Ltd and Highlands Pacific Ltd.

What are the main industries in Papua New Guinea?

PNG’s growth trajectory and abundant resource potential provide a strong platform for greater economic engagement with Asia and beyond.

The country’s economy remains dominated by two broad sectors: the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector that engages most of PNG’s labour force (the majority informally)

What is PNG main source of income?

The agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector accounts for most of the labour force of PNG while the minerals and energy extraction sector, including gold, copper, oil and natural gas is responsible for most of the export earnings.

What businesses are in Papua New Guinea?

PNG continues to invest in its major economic sectors which include mining and petroleum, telecommunications, energy, financial services, logistics, infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, and real estate development.

How do most people in Papua New Guinea earn a living?

Papua New Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources, and its economy’s small formal sector is focused on exports of such commodities as gold, copper, oil, and natural gas. The vast majority of its people live below the poverty line and work informally in subsistence agriculture.

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